Monday, December 22, 2008
The boss's son
O! anyways this post is starting to sound like a crush list. so enough with it.
I'll go do something else.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
I am sooooo stupid I had a meeting at 11 and I forgot it, can you imagin this? My first Fricken meeting and I manage to completely forget it and remeber it 4 hours later .
today morning Dr S, came and told me that today I had a meeting with them and a Dr. IA , about the WHO Project at 11 O'clock. but somehow the information didn't stick in my mind and it completely sliped out of my mind.
I was reminded 5 minutes ago , by Dr. IA walking into the library. he didn't say anything, and neither did I . I was too busy cussing and calling myself names.
I really wanna go home now and hide under my covers. but in the same time i wanna go to Dr. S & A . and appologize for being so Stupid.
Those people had done a lot for me and I'd hate to disappointing them.
I feel like I wanna cry now, I suck :(
:) I don't suck, there was no meeting, I met them and went to appologize for not attending the meeting , but they told me there were no meeting as Dr. IA traveled to Cairo. I know he didn't , but I didn't tell them, why would I want to bother them.
Yaaay, that teaches me next time I have a meeting I should set some kind of a reminder.
on another note, 2 days ago Dr. H (the big boss) told me that i will have to come to work Saturday 27. because this really important guy is coming from WHO Cairo, and Dr. H should be here to meet him, but he won't.
now i don't want to take the wrong idea, am sure that even if Dr. H was here I would probably would have came 2, but still I couldn't help feel important when he put it like that.
Anyways, that's it for now
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
I've been thinking about writing a new post here for a long time, but i didn't i really don't know what's wrong with me, I started this blog so i document the changes i go through at the "new" job , now a year and half later i don't think there is much of a change apart that Madame M left and thing fell into order nothing is freaken changed, and I don't even know if i hate it or love it or what?
but anyways i don't want to rant maybe later i'll start a new blog called "a venting of an unsatisfied bored brat librarian" LOL, that sounded shorter in my head, anywayz, I am not sure I talked about Dr A & S, they are 2 sisters both doctors both in the same dep. I totally love ,it's mutual, a lot of people don't like them.
anywayz they gave me 2 pieces of info's
1- they hinted that Madame M was bad mouthing me to Dr. H the big boss complaining that i don't work, they said that someone did that to Dr. H all the time and that they changed his opinion and put a good word about me to him. I believe them because he said they did, i just checked an old post here and I actually mention that, maybe this blog is useful after all, anywayz again they didn't say Madame M but i had the imprission that it's probably her, but there is this sneaky feeling that it might be Madame H (the nice HR lady) maybe she isn't that nice after all. well if it was Madame M then she got what she deserves and what goes around comes around, and if she's Madame H , then no worries Dr A & S got my back LOL
2- they told me that they are doing a project with the WHO (World Health Organization) and that they added MY NAME to the team work, how cool is that, I mean a project done under the supervision of the WHO, and those ppl I know it will be gr8, InshAllah . and they said that i would got paid :).
still not sure what am gonna do, but i think it will involve online searching. anywayz they told me to keep my mouth shut for now, so this is what am doing .
WISH me Luck !
Maybe next post would be about people who are important with me at work (Like I planned that one to be)
Sunday, November 16, 2008
الكتابة بالعربية
لا تهم الأسباب الأن بعدما قررت أ، أجرب ، أجرب التعبير بلغتى الأم شئ يدعو للضحك، لكنه ضحك أقرب للبكاء كيف علمونى أن أكتب الأنجليزية و دربونى أن أفكر بالأنجليزية لأكتب الأنجليزية الصحيحة .
لماذا لم يهتم أحد باللغة العربية ، هل لأنها اللغة الأم فسأجيدها يوماً ما ؟ أتمنى ، لكنى أعرف فى صميم قلبى أن السبب بكل بساطة أنها مثل كل ما هو عربى تم التنكر له و أول من تنكر له هم العرب. فاللغة العربية هى لغة الجاهلين، لغة الفقراء الذين لم يحن عليهم الزمن و يتخرجوا من مدارس لغات ، لست مثلهم عزيزتى أنتى مختلفة ، لا تتصرفى مثلهم عزيزتى أنهم بلدى ! و ما العيب فى ببلدى أسأل و لا أجاب ؟ فأسكت وأتحدث الأنجليزية و أفكر بالأنجليزية و أكتب بالأنجليزية و مع أصحابى نضحك على جهلنا الشديد باللغة العربية و لكنه ضحك يترك أثار مرارة فى قلبى ,. و الأن هأنا أكتب بالعربية و يالله أحس بالعربية أتمنى أن يدوم هذا و لكن يدرك قلبى أن ما هى ألا محاولة فاشلة للكتابة بالعربية
و لن تدوم أبداً لن تدوم
Sunday, October 26, 2008
The American Visitors
Hope they’ll get over with it soon enough, I wanna go home :(
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Walking in My Shoes
Anyways, it's been a while .
Nothing new , the thing i was doubting got conformed yesterday, that no more conventions or seminars for me, no more Helnan Palestine or Sheraton. all that because there would be no one left in the library if i left. do I sound like whining , maybe I am, I just missed 2 trips to Cairo , don't get me wrong am not a Cairo fan but i wanted to stay at the four seasons, never been there b4. the cliche was right you never miss something till it's gone, anyways
since i last posted nothing new happened, there was a day that i almost got interviewed by the Nile TV, but thanks god they changed their mind, I guess am not pretty enough to be on TV. LOL
talkin about Today, for the last few days we have been having some weather changes here in Alex, it's not winter yet but its not summer either, you can say it's the fall (although you gotta say that in a really low voice or else the sun will shine LOL)
Anyways it rained yesterday so i started wearing demi-season clothes, i think it's (the word not my clothes) french i don't know what it means except that you wear clothes that have sleeves but not really heavy.
anyways so today i decided to wear some shoes, I don't go bare footed LOL i usually go with platform flip flops , anyways since i am very short and my pants are very long, i needed something with high heels and a little comfy since i would stand a lot today cause we have a workshop at the library.
anyways i found some OLD shoes, i used to wear them in college (4 years ago) and they were my favourite pair, to the extend that they would get ripped and i fix em and wear em again, they seemed ok. and while i put them on i thought that maybe they would be my official pair that winter, boy was i wrong, anywayz
I wore them and went to work , at the car i could feel the heel moving from it's place while am driving so i though, I'll just glow it when i get home.
when the workshop started as expected i kept moving around the library helping people moving around and suddenly, i felt vacancy under my left heel, i didn't stop and kept moving while tiptoeing and glance at my left feet to find that the whole heel has simply left the shoe, i kept moving around while thinking and trying to figure out what to do, I can't leave work now, no ways and i can't go for the rest of the day like this and i also can't go to the HR manager and tell her i need to go home cause i have a shoe emergency. after a considerable amount of thinking i decided that i will hang for the workshop and then I'll sit in my place till the end of the day.
BUT 5 second later the other shoe started literaly falling apart suddenly i could feel the whole front of the shoe moving up and my toes were free from the confinement of the shoe.
i didn't know what to do i don't think the shoe could handled a trip to the HR manager and back and it was impossible to leave right in the middle of the workshop I even considered callin home for help but it would take too long and everyone is asleep at home for sure , when suddenly the solution came to me, no no body walked and handed me a spare shoes LOL.
I remember that yesterday i was wearing a sandal that had a high heel and hurt my leg so bad so i always take a spare flip flop so i could drive, and being the lazy person i am I left it in the car so i i took my car keys and headed toward the car, midway dr A&S wanted to talk to me about a favour i asked them for, and i was like yeah yeah, i didn't hear 1/2 what they said and kept wishing they just would go. the distance between the library and the front door can't be more than 50 steps but in those 50 steps the shoes, both the left and right fell completely a part that i was tiptoeing at one leg and trying not to lift the other off the ground, thank god nobody saw me.
anywayz i changed the shoes, now am wearing the sandals that hurt my feet soo much especially my little toe, but am happy about it.
lesson learned NEVER EVER wear your favorite OLD pair of shoes to work, and if you do you better have a replacement.
that's it for now Later!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Rat or Mouse
It's my first post at Ramadan, I though I wouldn't blog at all at Ramadan Since I hardly have the time to do a thing. I come to work 10 and leave 2:30 and those are the official hours there have been days when I left at 3 and I once left at 1 and I usually come at 10:15 and 10:30 I even came at 10:45 once . so in the midst of this irregular hours I tried to read the Quran Daily, play games and check all the blogs o and worked just a little LOL.
anyways Ramadan had flown by and I wish that all year long would be Ramadan, they gave us extra month salary as a bonus last week. yaaay.
Dr. H (the big boss ) has been in Mexico since the 2nd week of Ramadan till now , they say he'll stay till after the eid :)
anywayz lets head straight to the reason of that post.
last Thursday i left at 2:45 cause i had to wait for some books to arrive, I need to point here that those books are PERSONAL belongings for Dr. H (the big boss) . it's not exactly books it's medical journals that have been bound together to look like a book , they were 21 volumes. anywayz they arrived on Thursday at 2:45. so I left them in their boxes and went home after locking the room (the library where i work).
Today I opened the door to find 2 of them ruined huge chunks of their bounding were missing. I didn't understand what went wrong so I went to the security who had the keys to the library. after some decisions they told me what you already guessed based on the title, that it was bitten by a mouse.
then I sent the word to Madame H (the nice lady at HR) , she came and had a look. the decisions was made that they would bring a device to expel the mouse.
of course a lot of people heard about the mouse and came to watch and that guy told me that it's probably a rat.
I also called DR. H personal assistance and told her what happened, she said that she will send those 2 books to be re-bound.
I should leave now cause it's gettin late and I don't want to stay alone here.
No what really is puzzeling me is , is it a rat or is it a mouse? LOL
Today I started an Online course, wish me luck
and they gave us 2 boxes of ka7k el eid at work . LOL
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Welcome to SMC
the Crazy Ahmed Fahmy came couple of more times and i've been gettin ruder and ruder, the third time he came he brought me Chocolate, didn't know it's the brand cause it was wrapped in a piece of white paper , anywayz i told him i didn't want anything from him and that i wouldn't take it, and i gave it back to him, as usual I was Rude with a capital R, the following time I was even ruder and told him, that I am here to work not joke with other people. anyways am hoping against hope that this loco got offended and wouldn't show up here again.
I had to come to work last Saturday cause there was a workshop and they came to the library, they've been coming since Saturday but from what i understood they finished yesterday so i they won't come today , they've been coming daily since Saturday and they gave me a headache.
Today we have a BIG visit the ambassadors of 19 African countries are coming over here, last week (Thursday to be exact) the ambassador of Mali, came over here.
but it's wasn't that Big a deal , maybe cause this time it's a bunch of them they cared that much that they made me park in the street not in our parking lot even IS (who rides a motorcycle) they made him park in the street.
Surprisingly I've been gettin more and more restless, like I can't stand work anymore, I have no idea why, maybe cause for the first time I didn't take any summer Vacation , I dunno but I am just sooo tiresome.
Anyways I have to run now cause it's almost 11 now and this is when they are expected.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Ahmed Fahmy 2
anywayz for around 15 min i totally ignored him and continued what i was doing (which was opening all the 21 PC on 3 spesific pages), after that he told me he needs to write an email and could i write it for him, it's actually a part of my job so i had to do it, but i told him give me 5 minutes and then i went to see the IT guy about a problem we have in the computers, and then I came back i wrote the email but i kept my eyes on the monitor didn't look at him no matter how long he talked and i never actually answered him, hardly laughed at his jokes, after writing the email (in like 5 minutes) I was leaving so he asked me can i teach him how to use the computer, i told him that i didn't have the time today, and then left i walked to my mobile and pretended i am gonna make a call, surprising he followed me and asked me if i was upset with him, i smirked and told him no, then he started tellin me that he wants to work in the SMC and how he met Dr. MM and that he wants to know if I knew someone who can "pressure " her so she would except him here, i said i didn't, as if i would ever tell him, anywayz that's my it, hopefully he wont come here again, cause if he did Not only i would be COLD i'd be rude too, hopefully he got the message.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Ahmed Fahmy
anyways maybe my new urge for writing is to count the strange charachters i meet at my job.
Today at 10:00 am a man walked in on me, he is a new user in the library (I've seen him before when he Joined the library , he seemed decent enough he just seemed like he's a flirt). Today he wanted to send an email and needed my help. of course i helped him as this is actually a part of my job. he wanted to mail an English female friend apparently there is a love story between the 2 of them, anyways he was sending that one email I mean I was, he said what he wanted to say rephrased it and typed it on the computer the whole email should've took around 5 min to write and send but it took us hour and a half to do so because he kept interrupting me with his stories at first he was just a harmless old guy flirting and giving compliments and reminiscing about his life but slowly it turned in to this bizarre situation where i felt that he wasn't even kidding he kept saying he wanted to go out with me (as purely friends) at first i laughed it off and then when he repeated that saying that he was serious I just kept laughing and told him that this is impossible surprising enough he kept saying that he wanted me to travel with him. he told me the story of his life about his 2 wives and his son that he hardly ever see and where he is originally from where did he work all of his life. how he met his English friend he also asked me this bunch of questions about my family and me , the dude must be 50 or more and he actually told me that he'd want to talk to my father as in wanting to Marry me eeeeeeeewwwwwwww.
I pretended that everything he said was a funny joke, but i honestly believe this dude is CRAZY , he actually made me physically sick (I was nausea and felt i'll pass out )and am praying he wouldn't come tomorrow the only thing that saved me from him was another user came in to the library so he left.
Anywayz if he ever Came in again I Promise I will be rude as ever, sometimes it just doesn't pay to be nice
On a more personal note I lost another 6 KG making the amount I lost 10 KG , Yaaaay me :))
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Been soooo long
so I'll just give you a run through what happen since i last posted..
that day we went to fish market for dinner, and then went to helnan Palestine , stayed till Wednesday, went home on Wednesday and then came back to work on Thursday worked my ass of (wasn't even my job it was Is) and did that also on Sunday, then I heard that Mrs H husband died, it was a very sudden death. I cried that day when i went to see her at night , she was so broken.
anywayz, I kept working the whole week very hard, and then i heard that there was a Convention in Helnan Palestine June 21 that was a Saturday so before i left on Thursday i asked whether am in it or not, Dr , A told me he'll see and he never got back to me.
So i assumed i didn't on Friday night N called me at home and told me i have to go. I went on Saturday morning and we stayed till Sunday afternoon.
On Monday Madame M asked me why didn't i call her and tell her that i wasn't coming on Sunday, I told her that I couldn't call her Friday night cause it was late and I assumed that she already knew. anyways I when i came back from Helnan Palestine, i started classifying the entire library.
the whole week went by with me classifying then the on Thursday i finished Doin that.
Last week was Madam M last few days in the centre and until then she didn't say that she's leavin on Monday 23 I asked her if she's leavin and she said she "might" leave. give me a fucken break, anywayz on her last 2 days she was a total b**** i could see her emptying her drawers, she was very mean to me. on her last day (which was a Monday) I started putting the books in an order according to the classification I've done.
her last words to me before i leave were, I am leavin now I might come on Tuesday and might not. she left around 2.30 2 and half hours earlier than she should've and 1 and half earlier than she usually does, anywayz surprisingly the first word that went in my mind after she left was good riddance, don't get me wrong i don't hate her, i really felt sorry for her cause she left and i was nervous that the spot light now is on me waitin to see if I'd fill her shoes or not.
but she wasn't exactly trying to leave us with good memory she was almost as if she was mad on everyone, the following day everyone came to ask if she really is gone? and wondering how come she didn't say goodbye to ANYONE , not a single person even ppl who considered her a friend.
Dr. H (the big boss) came after she left asked me what i am doin I told him that am classifying the library. and he said i have to be over with it before mid July.
god! I have to work harder, but my Pc keeps goin banana every other day and i have no idea why it does that.
anywayz also Dr H (apperantly she's been me and Madam M boss for a long time but i've never known) she cam to me and asked me how am holding on and then asked me what am doin and gave me some stuff to do in Auguest.
Hopefully I'd remember.
On 15 last month I started a diet and i also go to the gym till now i lost 4 Kg, that's 2 Kg a week, yay me
but this made me not be able to go out with my sisters and friens since goin out means eating (at least to me) but it's worth it to find that cloth that hardly fit me before are alittle wide now.LOL
WOW that's it for now cause i wrote 2 much stuff
Monday, June 9, 2008
OMG! This is the longest post ever
So today I woke up at 7 and was here at the centre at 8:20 and as usual we didn’t move from here until 9:20, but before we leave I met N (the one I think is soo not my style ) she asked me have you heard the latest news? and of course I told her I didn’t she said that they won’t renewal madam’s M contract.
To tell you the truth I was upset , and shocked never in my wildest dreams had I imagined that they’d do that, I mean even if she didn’t work that good to just fire her ass, with no prior warning it’s creepy, anyways when I asked her why? She said she don’t know but Dr. H (the boss) didn’t want her, and that everyone begged him to keep her but he wouldn’t . OMG! It’s because of me, of course I didn’t say that but I thought it, anyways N told me not to tell anyone since she only knows cause she is the one who typed it, (as a secretary) .
Then off I headed to the no2ashy , which wasn’t as bad as everyone else said it was. Don’t get me wrong it was DISGUSTING but I thought it would be even more DISGUSTING, maybe part of the reason I didn’t hate it that much is because there were no other ppl only ppl who came with me from the centre (don’t get me wrong there was other ppl but they all happened to be GURLS and since guys & gurls aren’t treated 2gether then it was only us ) the nurses treat you there like you are one of 2 things 1- in jail 2- in the army, they bark orders that you have to follow, if you didn’t …………… you figure that out.
Anyways I came back from the No2rashy intact I was hot disgusted felt like throwing up with my hair tied after it was down, but still intact. (I know it could’ve been worst). Anyways I came back and then I started classifying the books (I started that yesterday)
Then couple of hours later M (a gurl who works here who I have a minimum contact with) came and told me to do some stuff for the convention we have tomorrow, I started to do that, then a call came in the there is some new books coming here, when they came the dude who’s supposed to sign for receiving them didn’t come (his name is Is) so I went down to fetch him, and he asked me to do him a favor, since these books will eventually come to the library and I’ll sign that I took them, that I take them and he will sign cause his English is awful, I said I would , I don’t know the exact number of those books but am sure there no less than 100 probably 200.
anyways while I was doing that Madam H called (she’s the HR manager) and told me that Dr, H is coming with some VIP and are taking a tour at 6 pm , (which I knew already because Dr’s H secretary told me and she also told me confidentially that Dr H has a lot of hope in you so you wouldn’t let him down ) and that I needed to be dressed in formal , which I totally wasn’t because I knew am going to the No2rashy so I dressed in jeans J
Anyways then N came and told me that I am staying in Helnan Palestine for the duration of the convention, and I had to get my bags ready, WOW.
So I told Madam H I still have work to do it was around 2 so I gave them till 3 then decided I’d leave, of course at 3 I wasn’t done yet so I went to Is told him that I gtg right now
Anywayz I went to my aunt borrowed a blazer from her then I flown home got my bag ready and flown back here, at 5:15 I was inside the library and it was a total mess, books everywhere, empty boxes. It was totally upside down, I took off my blazer and started moving the books Madame H came and found me doing that , so she sent a couple of workers to assist me, in 20 minutes the library was as good as new so I turned on all of the computers opened the webpage and closed the shades turned on the high lights , cut off the internet of my pc and plugged it to another one so when the Dr. H comes find every PC working, then wiped my hands and face, and opened all the AC closed the doors and relaxed on the chair , then Dr H came so I gave him a replay email for the things he asked about couple of days ago, he told me to give it to Dr A, then sat down took a deep breath and started writing the whole thing on a Word file so I would put it on my blog later, then Madame H cam and told me that I should take care of my work and a whole lecture that means in a nutshell cover your ass and take care or you’ll get fired like Madame M (she didn’t mean it a mean way at least it didn’t sound like one, she was more shocked about the fact that they fired Madam M , so she’s kinda wondering who would he fire next since all of them don’t understand what is he so upset about). When I told her there was a certain things that we told Dr. A about and he said he’ll do it. she said and I quote – here you have to do your work not wait for anyone’s help or else you are the one who’ll take the blame later on, the library now is under the spotlight and there is a lot of things that he(Dr. H) is less than satisfied about so take care. And if you need ANYTHING come 2 me.
End of quote
And also NV (Dr. H secrtary )told me that Madame M is leaving, I told her that I heard words but am not sure and that Madam M didn’t say anything to me and I asked her Why and she said that Dr H doesn’t like her work and before she said anything else Qu came in and she didn’t complete.
They stood for a while and left.
Now it’s 7:27 and the ppl are not here yet so I am tired, sleepless and hungry
That’s it for now,
P.s and if you think it’s tiredsom to read ALL that imagin doing it,
And on another note my feet hurt like hell cause the shoes am wearing is sooo tight, god I hate formal .
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Good Morning Madam M
the day kinda flew Dr Ha Came and asked me to do some work for her which i and in my way to give it to her N, Dr H the boss’s secretary, called me over, she was on the phone so I had to wait till I find out what does she wants , while am hanging around in her office Madame M came and saw me so she asked me what am doing here (like it’s any of her business) so I told her am not sure, then 10 minutes later N gave me a letter that I have typed it earlier to Dr. A so when Madame M realized that she went on telling me that I should run anything by her and when I told her that I told her before that I told her I typed this letter, she told me that I should ‘ve told her that I already did, (I have to admit that 1 of my many flaws is when I feel am under attack I get defensive it’s like I don’t want ppl so say I did anything wrong) so we went for a couple minutes in a you should told me to I already did routine and then I went back to my desk she told me that anything I should do am supposed to tell her which I still wont “always ” do like yesterday Dr. H the boss sent me an email and told me to send it to a certain ppl, I won’t tell her for 2 reasons 1- Dr. H asked them from me not her 2- because when I first worked at the SMC Dr. H the boss asked me to send him an email and gave me an email and everything , I was new and I didn’t want her to feel threatened so I told her everything, then she told me not to worry cause she’d send him the email, wanna guess what happened , yeah absolutely right she didn’t and Dr. H got the impression than am not competent so am sorry Madame M won’t let you do that again to me, he already think that you are not good enough you’re over 60 you already retired and apparently this job is not that important for you am 25 this is the job of my dream I won’t let you ruin it for me , thank you very much,
Plus it’s not like she run everything by me.
Hopefully this situation will be resolved soon with no real problems (at least not for me LOL)
Anywayz before Dr. H the boss left he summoned me in his office and asked me if I sent the emails I told him I did and he was very pleased, gr8 work Lobna
Ps I started this post at work but finished it at home cause a friend was waitin for me at the street so I couldn’t keep her waitin any longer
That’s it for now
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
is it WOW3?
today i came about 9:30 am and found out that he's already here, i hurried to the library turned on every computer and mine and while i was opening the internet explorer on the first one he came in, he and Dr. A and qu. then he asked about certain things in the WHO then asked me to follow him to his office and i stayed in his office for like 10 or 20 min.
then he started asking me about the journals we subscibed at and the WHO stuff. and he asked about a certain list then i told him it's with Madame M, he then asked about her when i told him she wasn't here yet he didn't like it he kept repeating that it seems that she doesn't wanna be her anymore (of course a clear sign that they won't renew her contract next year) then he sent me some stuff on the email and told me that i have to start knowing everything.
i need to pause just a minute i don't wish for Madame M to get fired although am not her greatest fan (don't think anyone is) but i don't wish her harm, don't get me wrong I've always said that when she dies i'll bring ma friend Noga to work in her place, but that's another matter i mean she's already a zillion years old and she'll die eventually. i don't want to have the slightest hand in her leaving . plus to be honset it was hardly ten so it wasn't that late(she usually come on 11:30 ) we start at 9 but everyone comes at 9:30.
upausing and going back to what happened
then i stayed in his office for a while and every few minutes he'd say the same thing about Madame M.
after that i came back to the library and waited for a while then she came , i was still guilty from what i felt like my fault so the minute she came i tried to look worried (which wasn't that hard cause i already felt guilty) she asked me if he asked about her and for the first time she wasn't that worried I told her he did and that he wanted stuff from her, she didn't seem concerned and went to her desk.
the email dr H sent me did reach me so i told his secretary N that and gave her my email again and asked her not to forget to give it to him and then just kinda zoned out. at 2pm Madame M asked me if dr. H is sending me an email then she asked what was in the email? i told her and she in the mid of my sentence she seemed like she lost interest.
then at 3 she left , i mean that woman should pay more attention to her work
anyways that's what happened today nothing, and the email is still not here
that's it for now
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Even if you're dead tired don't flirt
yesterday i done 6 copies each today i done extra 4. page by page. OMG! my back still aches and getting down is like hell. OUCH!
anyways in the midst of it all 2 doctors came at 1 told me they want me to photocopy for them basically I've been telling everyone that they are 2 late and am not photocopying any thing more like everyone who came before and after they tried to convince me that today is there only shot since they are goin back to Cairo tomorrow and i tried to convince them that i don't have time, a doctor came in said that if i gave him a copy he'll photocopy it outside, i was cool with it. one of those 2 doctors was kidding and joking all the time and offering to help.
anyways they then asked me to "try" and photocopy one of our other books, it was sent to us by the WHO so it isn't available in markets. I told them I will, (don't ask me why)
anyways the dr. that took the copy outside came in half an hour later all was gr8 with him and he went upstairs took the money from them and then 2 minutes later he came in and gave me 30 pounds and told me i should give them to a doctor and he told me his name.
minutes later everyone took their copies and the last doctor who came was the one with the 30 pounds and when i tried to give it to him he said that they are not his and he told me that he must've given me the wrong name.
couple of minutes later the joking doctor came in i told him i photocopied the WHO book while i gave it to him he asked me if i've seen the guy who photocopied those papers I told him he left then I asked him if he wanted money from him, he laughed goofly and said yeah, then i told him that he left him a 30 he laughed goofly again, although it was a real goofy laught it was really adorable , then he asked me how much money does he owes me, i told him 12 to he proudly gave me 20 i laught and gave him his change i was soo busy observing his fingers for rings that i didn't notice until he left that i should've asked him for 17 instead of 12, i added the extra 5 from my own pocket and kept thinking how cute he really is,
he isn't like handsome o no way, he just acted like a 7 years old , all goofy and proud (never though i was sucker for little kids LOL) so that what caught me attention to him and never figured anything else. LOL
just noticed that i wrote photocopy and doctor in that post more than i ever did that in my life before
anyways that 's it for today
Sunday, May 25, 2008
I was supposed to go today to the no2rashy hospital. but i didn't yaay..
o! you don't understand a thing, ok lets start from the beginning.
before i work here at the SMC i used to work at a school called EGC (LOL @ the names) and i heard them talk about the No2rashy it's a hospital that you are supposed to go there for your insurance, and i heard legendary stuff, how ppl there are soooo weird and how inhuman they actually treat you and how you have to undress (am already blushing)
anywayz, it's awful and i was supposed to go today but didn't because Dr. H(the big boss) had some visitors and wanted to show them around and needed everyone to be in place, so we didn't go today yaaay,
they say we'll go later but who knows what will happen later am just glad i didn't go yaay.
that's it for now
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Losing my nerves and my job
he is a lawyer that got interested in women's issues lately and he wanted to get information from us, then while we were smoothly talking suddenly the conversation seemed to go downhill and the guy kept saying that am not being helpful, remembering now i can say with certainty that before that everything was going real smooth till i told him that he'd have to pay to gain entrance into our library he was actually surprised and wasn't infavour of the idea I tried telling him that it's only 20 Egyptian pounds (less than 5$) in three month and that this isn't really alot but that seemed to only irritated him more . then he asked about the conferences we make I told him we do alot of those but that i don't have any brochures or the papers of these conferences . i told him that I am a librarian and work in the library so am not concerned with any of these things and i'll see someone who can help him but he kept insisting that i should know. and then he said he wanted to meet the boss i asked him which one , cause i thought that if he'd want to meet Madame M that would be cool but really wished he'd want to meet Dr. H the big boss cause i knew he wasn't there and even if he was he was too damn busy. but he asked for Madame M because according to him I seem new. I told him that I am not new and that if he wants to Meet Madame M it's cool but she's won't really tell him anything more , all the while i was thinking that I am sooo close of losing my nerves cause I didn't exactly appreciated the way he talked and I knew if I waited another minute I would explode in his face and that I will teach him how to talk to me knowing that this prick didn't deserve me losing my job for him, I took him to Madame M and then left them together,
of course he tried to be nice and kiss her butt but they might have been speaking in a different language his trials to be nice with her only made him seems WEIRD to her then she told him that she can't really help him and told me to tell one of the workers to take him to Madam K's office (she is responsible for women Issues) LOL
Anyways after he left Madame M hardly bothered herself with sayin a thing about him expect when i told him that he insisted that i should know (about conferences and stuff) she said he's weird.
and that's the story when I almost Lost my nervers and as a result i would probably lost my Job.
that's it for now
anyways since Sunday I had been waking up an hour early so i'd be here at 9 am cause this is when they are supposed to start and for the first time ever they actually start at 9. 9:10 is the latest that they actually started, anyways because of them I have been driven out of my desk :( and have to sit on another computer.
it wasn't all negative there was some positive
where i work gave lunch boxes daily for the doctors and they gave me and Madam M 2 LOL
first day there was some mixing up in the numbers so Madame M got soo pissed then when they came to gave her in the second day she was like. "why you gave me today and not yesterday?" the worker didn't know what to tell her LOL.
since none of us got paid till now Madame M came up to me on Tuesday and said "why do they give them lunch anyways they live in Alex., they should get us paid first" I found that hilarious cause it's very obvious that those are 2 different issues plus the WHO is the one who paid for that LOL
anyways they didn't give us on Wednesday so someone heard her :)) but we didn't get paid either LOL
I don't know how it suddenly turned about food.
anyways I am happy cause it's over
they leave a 3 volumes books and there is 12 of them everyday in the library cause they are too lazy to go home with it so i have to lock the library everyday and give the keys to the security .
the IT guys already are close to blow up cause the program the course is using is Dos based and our computers are XP (F my sis is the one who told me the NeXt information) and XP doesn't have good Dos because it's a vertiual Dos.
anyways the computers keeps freezing and I keep calling the IT guys . Poor them LOL.
that's it for now
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
then he personally came and said that he NEEDED this papers and I have to get them and asked about our WHO registration .
I called Madam M (she gave me her home number after the first 2 calls) she said she'd send me the user name and password. (turn out she had them for more than a month now) tried them and they didn't work so i called HND the one responsible for the WHO Lib and made him call our IT guys.
Long story short. I have went through lope holes for around 90 or 110 minutes and ended up knowing that our registration in the WHO only contain 815 Journal.
and that wasted 90 or so min was thanx to Madame M cause she didn't tell me from the beginning
anyways after that i personally went handed him the papers (which i downloaded from the internet not related to the WHO) and told him about the whole deal (about only have 815 Journal ). then he told me to send them an email asking them some questions.
I am not happy cause i'll do the stuff Madam M was supposed to do but I am happy because she was trying to keep me away from day one and now am in .
anyways that's it for now
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
First the reason the whole post is called WOW is i just came back from prayin the Duhar (I did say that i go to pray at the Mosque everyday, didn't I?) anyways in my way there I met Dr. H (the center's Big Boss) and he told me that he wants ME to take over the deal with the WHO (world health organization) it's a long story but to put it in a nutshell. is we paid the WHO 20 grands so we can view their journals online and have it in a material form since i started workin here and Madam M is supposed to take care of this whole deal(3 month ago she said that it's over and we'll have access in 15 days). anyways he wants ME to deal with the WHO . he said Dr. A and Dr. S put up a good word for me. LOL
and WOW no wonder i think they are totally amazing ppl.
anyways that's the good news the other news is that 3 weeks ago they (by they i mean people who work with me over here) said that they want to go to a trip to Cairo (I know what you are thinking we are too old for this things) anyway I didn't feel like goin (cause a- I think they are just a little bit mm how should i put it......... below my standard............. i can't find the right word in English.......bey2a b- cause N said she'd bring her sisters and cousins along and although i know she isn't a bad person I can't say the same about her sisters and cousins I don't think they are real polite ). anyways I said all that to my ma and she said that she wont let me go after what i said anyways last week when they found out am not goin they were inclined to call the whole thing off and then N said that she (and her sis's) were gonna be the only girls there , so she didn't wanna go. so they said they'd go to the montaza instead (for those who don't know montaza is this gardens in Alexandria with a double reputation of being a gr8 family place at morning and a horrible sex heaven at night). of course my ma said no. then N suggested Mamora (again for those who don't know Alexandria mamora is a place next montaza same deal but it's rep is just a little less severe) and again my mom said no
anyways although i really don't wanna go but i feel like i am pressured to go cause that's the polite thing to do (call me a push over ) but if it wasn't for my mom i would probably just had gone, it was getting on my nerve that she keeps saying no (although i originally wanted her to ).
Nothing else happened today
that's it for now
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Helnan Palestine, Again!
Comeon give me a break. Again am goin to Helanan Palestine. today , tomorrow and we'll do a late check out on Thursday. Again that's what is supposed to happen. am not sure if that will be how it goes.
and Again they just told me now.
but this time i was ready i heard about it yesterday and heard that some ppl were goin to stay at Helnan Palestine so i told ma i might be one of them.
True i didn't pack my bags but at least I was mentally ready, and with me that makes all the difference in the world.
Anyways in 30 min or so I'll leave and go home to pack a bag. it's supposed to be one night bag but still it's gonna be the same bag aka BIG.
O and Dr A and Dr S I still have unfinished work with them. so am waitin here for them so we can wrap it up. Can't leave without them. have to tell them.
Called them they said they are comin. hope they wont be late.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
MY desk
Like a Desk LOL
today i took couple of stuff and put them on my desk and now when ever i look at my desk i get surprised a tray, a pen's cup and other of more stuff that made my desk look like a normal desk after it looked completely bald. LOL
now am happy.
Nothing more happened today or yesterday.
O i discovered till now 3 ppl who openly states that they hate my boss. LOL
when ever i ask em why they go "why would anyone like her that's the question."
anyways that's it for now
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Back to work again
I bet you(I know there aint no people reading this but the blog is an entity in it self LOL) are wondering what happened at the conference. well i slept Tuesday and Wednesday at Helnan Palestine
and Thursday in Sheraton Montaza.
loved every moment in the hotel. but worked soo hard it's very hard to work every day from 8 am till 1 am that's like being a friggen slave. anyways i totally Helnan Palastine but didn't like the sheraton much. it wasn't my first time in either of them but it was my first time to spend the night.
In the conference it self i was responsible of the foreigners someone told em I have good English so they decided to make good use of it. 2 stuff were more memorable than anything else
1- Wednesday night (technically it was early hours of morning cause it was 1 am) Dr. A told us we had to go and check in at the Sheraton because tomorrow we aren't gonna have time to do that, so we went and a driver from the center was supposed to come pick us up. but he didn't want to cause he wanted to sleep. so the guys that were with us suggested that we take a cab. No way I said not in a million years will i take a cab at 2 am (it was 2 am by the time we finished checking in and called him for the second time) and go into the Montaza (where Helnan Palastine was located
SO I decided on Thursday that I'd get my car so no one would do that to me again.
2- on Thursday evening when i went to get my car. Dr H shouted at Qu for he thought she made a mistake. (while she didn't) so she was really offended and kept crying for like 1 hour or 1 hour and half . then she started getting dizzy and light headed and couldn't stand up. until i "made her" drink some juice I had, then she started getting better and she told Dr. A that she hadn't done anything wrong so he talked to Dr. H who apologized for her. and she asked me not to tell anyone. which i didn't
All in all it wasn't that bad
that's it for now
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Guess where you're sleepin tonigh?
Lets start from the beginning .
The BIG ConferenceI was talkin about yesterday.
It's gonna be in Palestine Hotel and i am supposed to stay there during the 3 days of the conference but nobody told me Nice them!
Anyways they forget to tell me and i just figured out now. am in shock and surprised people might think spendin a few nights in a hotel in the same country isn't a big deal. well it's a big deal for me.
well Inshallah hopefully it will pass easily now i gotta go see what am gonna do
Monday, March 17, 2008
Three weeks later
at 2 o'clock the 2 dr's came again and they wanted to complete what we were doing and they took Madame M to measure her blood pressure (she's been pressing them for ages to do that and since they wanted me to work with them for a while they though they'd bribe her) . I worked with them till it was 4 then they left and i went back to my library. to find the workshop still going strong and didn't know what to do so i moved my computer a little bit and started playing free cell, personally i thought that i looked silly but it wasn't like i have any choice.
and as if that wasn't enough they stayed until 5:45. Nice
on Wednesday i completed working with Dr A and Dr S till around 4 again then after sat next to my desk and started reading it was a book called "One Night of Scandals" which was kinda embarrassing but i did my best to cover the cover plus i think no one was paying much attention to me. and i left at 6:10
On Thursday I didn't see either of Dr. A and Dr S. and Madame M didn't come (she told me on Wednesday that if she was sick she wont come) So i spent the day alone the with bio-informatics workshop . and read my book and finished it and started in a book called ashes to ashes.
I thought since it was the last day then they'll probably wrap it up pretty quickly or at least faster then usual but boy was i wrong they finished at 6:30. (Nice!)
Anyways that was last week.this week yesterday Dr. A and Dr. S came and gave me work to do.
I finished it today, and gave it to them today and they said they'll pass by tomorrow and tell me stuff.
there is a big conference on Wednesday i don't know whether it's gonna be at hotel Palestine or Hilton or the bibliotheca Alexandria anyways we'll wait and see.
O and today i got the second ever comment on my blog. cool, but Servidores's blog is in Spanish I don't understand Spanish but what i understood is it's about server's
that's it for now
Sunday, February 24, 2008
My Niece on the ultrasound
Anyways when I came down Madame M. was pissed casue i hadn't told her were i was going. i told her I just went up and she was like. you should have told me.
Anyways am sooo happy and excited although me sis and her husband aren't that much. well she was sooo happy 2 until she saw he was all grumpy so she got alittle bit depressed anyways . Am glad that it all worked out good Alhamdoulah.
that's it for now
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Abouth Death and life and other stuff
well lets see on
Saturday : the workshop worked just fine but Madame M didn't come (not like I care)
Sunday : The workshop came to the library nothing special happened exvept that after the workshop they gave me an arabic tryping "course" Huh as if i needed it the IT guy (Ma ) didn't know what touchtype means let alone doing it
Monday: The workshop's last day worked out as planned . the "Course" continued (Being totally useless)
Tuesday : Both my grandma and grandpa died so I didn't come to work for 2 days
Thursday : Came to work cried the first 1/2 an hour (didn't even tell anyone at home). was last day at the "course" had the "exam" apparently i was the fastest one of them all. got paid . and Dr A & Dr. S took a book each they weren't supposed to and I was too tired to object significantly
Sunday: Did nothing.
Monday: sent Dr. A and Dr. S an email askin for the books back
Tuesday : Did nothing but talk one of the books back from Dr. A and Dr. S. O and MH From IT took the printer and put it at Madame's M side cause it wasn't workin and Madame M kept makin alot of noise.
Today am workin my butt off since early mornin. Madame M walked up to me and she was like "What are you DOING, You aren't entering the books data in the system are you. ?" I was playin a game but i put up the Medical library association and said am just checkin out what new in the world See. I don't know if she bought it or not but if she didn't she didn't say anything except then enter those books.
o and i made MH from IT switch between my PC and one of the others in the library because mine didn't have the DMS programe (where'll enter the books in to the system) . turned out the one he switched had the DMS but the old DMS which have a couple of glitches. after i told him i was sure that was the right computer with the perfect DMS version . I can't ask him to switch it agian so i'll try to up-date it MYSELF hope that work out.
O and the photocopier had a paper Jam but sh fixed it for me.
that's it for now.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Picture Perfect
I knew about the pic. (Nobody told me i overheard M , E , Sh talking about it before i go home yesterday and i meant to get ready but i forgot)
anyways it was good. i guess.
Nothing else happened. alittle bit of work alot of talk. it's all good
what am really glad about is that now . I seem to be talking to more people maybe one day i'll be talkin to everyone around here like they all do. it's been 10 month already . maybe soon. :)
the 3 day workshop will start again on saturday (different particepent same Dr. A and Dr. S) this time they didn't fuse before it so much. maybe they have confident in themselves. or worst maybe they have confident in me. I have no idea why they trust me so much (they think am pretty good). anyways maybe after it's over inshallah i'l blog about it. and yet again maybe not. LOL
Monday, January 28, 2008
Realizations of the questing mind
Nothing new happened today i was invited to a katb ktab don't know if i'll go (i told qu that i'll go )
it's Dr. M he invited me . maybe I should go.
Don't know yet.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Am back for now
Haven't been here forever (at least it feels like forever)
I made a new blog deleted it and thinkin about startin a new one again.
well nothing new in the work area. I signed a contract . at last . :))
thought that my salary doubled found out I am wrong ...Sniff.. Sniff :(((
some work have came my way the last couple of days . got offered a new job in bib. alex. said No and trying to swing it toward my Brother-in-Law N.
also today i learned how to send a Fax. Hurray.
Hopefully the hype will stay on for a while. love the fact that i actually started doin some work.
am out of here hopefully the next few days watch my comeback on blogger.LOL