Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Welcome to SMC

As usual it's been long since my last post, it's not that i don't have events happening but it's that I find it hard to commit to writing sometimes, I've wrote TONs of unfinished stories, it's a small miracle that I actually kept this thing running for a year now, its not me, a fast look to my list of blogs and you'll find that i hardly commit to any of them, anyways that's not the point now.
the Crazy Ahmed Fahmy came couple of more times and i've been gettin ruder and ruder, the third time he came he brought me Chocolate, didn't know it's the brand cause it was wrapped in a piece of white paper , anywayz i told him i didn't want anything from him and that i wouldn't take it, and i gave it back to him, as usual I was Rude with a capital R, the following time I was even ruder and told him, that I am here to work not joke with other people. anyways am hoping against hope that this loco got offended and wouldn't show up here again.
I had to come to work last Saturday cause there was a workshop and they came to the library, they've been coming since Saturday but from what i understood they finished yesterday so i they won't come today , they've been coming daily since Saturday and they gave me a headache.
Today we have a BIG visit the ambassadors of 19 African countries are coming over here, last week (Thursday to be exact) the ambassador of Mali, came over here.
but it's wasn't that Big a deal , maybe cause this time it's a bunch of them they cared that much that they made me park in the street not in our parking lot even IS (who rides a motorcycle) they made him park in the street.
Surprisingly I've been gettin more and more restless, like I can't stand work anymore, I have no idea why, maybe cause for the first time I didn't take any summer Vacation , I dunno but I am just sooo tiresome.
Anyways I have to run now cause it's almost 11 now and this is when they are expected.


Mohammad said...

I hope it went good :)
that busy feeling is awful, isn't it? it's almost as awful as the other feeling of having nothing to do!

Crystal Lobna said...

Yeah, thanks god it went just fine, LOL.
good thing you understand how silly that feels, either to be hardly the time to breath or to have too much time on your hand ;)

Z_Diva said...

hey i told u ahmed fahmy was a wake job, and oh my god that chocolate is way so urban legend, he's really creepy, hope he really never shows up again, i really think u should ban him from the SMC totally :)

but seems work is getting more heavy each day is isn't it :S

yalla wish u luck :)

sorry i hadn't been here for a while, but i'm gettin really busy and worn out, beside going through a very bad low -with no real reason at all- i do read blogs at work though, but it's kinda strange, the blog spot is blocked by the IT, but u can read postes, but u can't logg in, nor comment, nor go to profiles, so it's only reading, can't even post on my blog from there :S - i actually had to get some out of my system, so i used pens and papers, do u believe that ??!!!!!!-

Crystal Lobna said...

I am seriously considering to ban him from the SMC Library if he ever set foot in it again.
yeah I've been workin hard for sometime now. O! I totally hate it, but I got my revenge on Thursday i did nothing but watch stand-up comedians on youtube ALL day long. LOL

Crystal Lobna said...

OMG! you actually write now? I mean using your hand and like a pen and paper, people actually still do that. LOL J/K
but why dont you write it on the computer and then email it to yourself and post them to your blog from home?

Mohammad said...

excuse my ignorance, but what is SMC?

Crystal Lobna said...

No, no ignorance.
It's where I work LOL!

Mohammad said...

ya 3'ELSA!
I googled it and it came as Suzanne Mubarak Regional Centre for Women's Health and Development (SMC). is that so? 0_o

Crystal Lobna said...

yeah the one and only.