Sunday, May 25, 2008


I was supposed to go today to the no2rashy hospital. but i didn't yaay..
o! you don't understand a thing, ok lets start from the beginning.
before i work here at the SMC i used to work at a school called EGC (LOL @ the names) and i heard them talk about the No2rashy it's a hospital that you are supposed to go there for your insurance, and i heard legendary stuff, how ppl there are soooo weird and how inhuman they actually treat you and how you have to undress (am already blushing)
anywayz, it's awful and i was supposed to go today but didn't because Dr. H(the big boss) had some visitors and wanted to show them around and needed everyone to be in place, so we didn't go today yaaay,
they say we'll go later but who knows what will happen later am just glad i didn't go yaay.
that's it for now

1 comment:

Z_Diva said...


seems like some one here fears injections :P

go go. it's just a small sting :D