Monday, August 4, 2008

Ahmed Fahmy

IT's been sooooooooooooooo Long since I posted here, I've been very busy and also I think I had lost the urge that made me want to start this blog, I started so one day I can look back at those days (the days that i was really bored) and wish i had them back, and I am kinda there it's seems that Since Madame M left i always have stuff to do to the extend that i feel like am staling and I hardly have time to check my email everyday.
anyways maybe my new urge for writing is to count the strange charachters i meet at my job.
Today at 10:00 am a man walked in on me, he is a new user in the library (I've seen him before when he Joined the library , he seemed decent enough he just seemed like he's a flirt). Today he wanted to send an email and needed my help. of course i helped him as this is actually a part of my job. he wanted to mail an English female friend apparently there is a love story between the 2 of them, anyways he was sending that one email I mean I was, he said what he wanted to say rephrased it and typed it on the computer the whole email should've took around 5 min to write and send but it took us hour and a half to do so because he kept interrupting me with his stories at first he was just a harmless old guy flirting and giving compliments and reminiscing about his life but slowly it turned in to this bizarre situation where i felt that he wasn't even kidding he kept saying he wanted to go out with me (as purely friends) at first i laughed it off and then when he repeated that saying that he was serious I just kept laughing and told him that this is impossible surprising enough he kept saying that he wanted me to travel with him. he told me the story of his life about his 2 wives and his son that he hardly ever see and where he is originally from where did he work all of his life. how he met his English friend he also asked me this bunch of questions about my family and me , the dude must be 50 or more and he actually told me that he'd want to talk to my father as in wanting to Marry me eeeeeeeewwwwwwww.
I pretended that everything he said was a funny joke, but i honestly believe this dude is CRAZY , he actually made me physically sick (I was nausea and felt i'll pass out )and am praying he wouldn't come tomorrow the only thing that saved me from him was another user came in to the library so he left.
Anywayz if he ever Came in again I Promise I will be rude as ever, sometimes it just doesn't pay to be nice

On a more personal note I lost another 6 KG making the amount I lost 10 KG , Yaaaay me :))


Z_Diva said...

at first i was gonna pitty u for ur darn luck that threw that creepy stalker in ur way -take care he may turn out to be a freakin serial killer :D

but now i'm just furious, how dare u loose weight girl, they got to you, the god damn fashion victims just stole away another proud plus size -seems i'm z only rebellion in this world -we shaklha osr del ya az3ar kman :D--

la 7bba gad b2a, keep up the good work, bas never forget that ur always gr8 no mater how u look, and u donn have to be any thing, just cause every body keeps sayin u should, mashy ya mazmazil :D

Crystal Lobna said...

yeah I know, I promise you it has nothing to do with the fashion stuff, I just found that am slowly gaining more weight and slowly lost most of my fav. clothes,LOL.
and that dude was so creeepy am still freaked out by him LOL, but the story aint over yet, there is ahmed fahmy 2 coming soon hopefully 3 wont come ever