Wednesday, April 23, 2008


A Lot has happened since my last post.
First the reason the whole post is called WOW is i just came back from prayin the Duhar (I did say that i go to pray at the Mosque everyday, didn't I?) anyways in my way there I met Dr. H (the center's Big Boss) and he told me that he wants ME to take over the deal with the WHO (world health organization) it's a long story but to put it in a nutshell. is we paid the WHO 20 grands so we can view their journals online and have it in a material form since i started workin here and Madam M is supposed to take care of this whole deal(3 month ago she said that it's over and we'll have access in 15 days). anyways he wants ME to deal with the WHO . he said Dr. A and Dr. S put up a good word for me. LOL
and WOW no wonder i think they are totally amazing ppl.
anyways that's the good news the other news is that 3 weeks ago they (by they i mean people who work with me over here) said that they want to go to a trip to Cairo (I know what you are thinking we are too old for this things) anyway I didn't feel like goin (cause a- I think they are just a little bit mm how should i put it......... below my standard............. i can't find the right word in English.......bey2a b- cause N said she'd bring her sisters and cousins along and although i know she isn't a bad person I can't say the same about her sisters and cousins I don't think they are real polite ). anyways I said all that to my ma and she said that she wont let me go after what i said anyways last week when they found out am not goin they were inclined to call the whole thing off and then N said that she (and her sis's) were gonna be the only girls there , so she didn't wanna go. so they said they'd go to the montaza instead (for those who don't know montaza is this gardens in Alexandria with a double reputation of being a gr8 family place at morning and a horrible sex heaven at night). of course my ma said no. then N suggested Mamora (again for those who don't know Alexandria mamora is a place next montaza same deal but it's rep is just a little less severe) and again my mom said no
anyways although i really don't wanna go but i feel like i am pressured to go cause that's the polite thing to do (call me a push over ) but if it wasn't for my mom i would probably just had gone, it was getting on my nerve that she keeps saying no (although i originally wanted her to ).
Nothing else happened today
that's it for now


Z_Diva said...

montzah & ma3moura ??!!!
field trips??!!!
maybe cairo was the only good idea, except for the group, though i donno, if i were you, would i disapprove to the group if they were a bit "bi2a" or no, it depends, maybe, if they are nice and polite, so why not, but i won't go if there was gonna be someone who is bad or not polite,which i guess by that you mean they do inappropriate behaviors in front of others -mostly guys-
you know what i do, i take a friend and we go spend a day at cairo, why go in an organized thing, where majority rules, we go alone, and we go see whatever we wanna see :D

Crystal Lobna said...

Well you are right , that there is nothing wrong with ppl who are bi2a but the fact is that i really don't have anything in common with those ppl we think and act totally different anyways your idea about goin 2 cairo w/ only a friend (or 4 me a small group of close friends) is good except my parents would never allow it(they are waaaay over-protective and they get very worried all the time)
Plus I didn't wanna go to Cairo to begin with LOL
anyways they stopped askin me to go with them anywhere for now (hopefully not anymore)

Z_Diva said...
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Z_Diva said...

they no longer wanna play wiz ya :D
my parents are over protective too, but i tamed them :D, i shown them that i worth there trust, and i can take care of my self, so they gave me my space. but they call me every 5 mins to make sure i'm ok and so, and i don't complain, as far as they allowed me to go, let them even call every second if they wanna :D