Thursday, May 8, 2008

Losing my nerves and my job

After writing the last post. like with 5 minutes they came and told me a guy want to ask about the library, it's a normal occurrence and they usually come in ask and then leaves but because we have the WHO thinggy I had to go out to talk to him.
he is a lawyer that got interested in women's issues lately and he wanted to get information from us, then while we were smoothly talking suddenly the conversation seemed to go downhill and the guy kept saying that am not being helpful, remembering now i can say with certainty that before that everything was going real smooth till i told him that he'd have to pay to gain entrance into our library he was actually surprised and wasn't infavour of the idea I tried telling him that it's only 20 Egyptian pounds (less than 5$) in three month and that this isn't really alot but that seemed to only irritated him more . then he asked about the conferences we make I told him we do alot of those but that i don't have any brochures or the papers of these conferences . i told him that I am a librarian and work in the library so am not concerned with any of these things and i'll see someone who can help him but he kept insisting that i should know. and then he said he wanted to meet the boss i asked him which one , cause i thought that if he'd want to meet Madame M that would be cool but really wished he'd want to meet Dr. H the big boss cause i knew he wasn't there and even if he was he was too damn busy. but he asked for Madame M because according to him I seem new. I told him that I am not new and that if he wants to Meet Madame M it's cool but she's won't really tell him anything more , all the while i was thinking that I am sooo close of losing my nerves cause I didn't exactly appreciated the way he talked and I knew if I waited another minute I would explode in his face and that I will teach him how to talk to me knowing that this prick didn't deserve me losing my job for him, I took him to Madame M and then left them together,
of course he tried to be nice and kiss her butt but they might have been speaking in a different language his trials to be nice with her only made him seems WEIRD to her then she told him that she can't really help him and told me to tell one of the workers to take him to Madam K's office (she is responsible for women Issues) LOL
Anyways after he left Madame M hardly bothered herself with sayin a thing about him expect when i told him that he insisted that i should know (about conferences and stuff) she said he's weird.
and that's the story when I almost Lost my nervers and as a result i would probably lost my Job.
that's it for now

1 comment:

Z_Diva said...

where da hell does these freaks come from :D
weirdos every where, and yet more to come, i hear allot of weirdos stories from my workin friends, they may annoy while dealin wiz them, but they make a very good joke materials for gatherings and hangouts, each one get to tell some work related wacky story :D