Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Helnan Palestine, Again!

Comeon give me a break. Again am goin to Helanan Palestine. today , tomorrow and we'll do a late check out on Thursday. Again that's what is supposed to happen. am not sure if that will be how it goes.
and Again they just told me now.
but this time i was ready i heard about it yesterday and heard that some ppl were goin to stay at Helnan Palestine so i told ma i might be one of them.
True i didn't pack my bags but at least I was mentally ready, and with me that makes all the difference in the world.
Anyways in 30 min or so I'll leave and go home to pack a bag. it's supposed to be one night bag but still it's gonna be the same bag aka BIG.
O and Dr A and Dr S I still have unfinished work with them. so am waitin here for them so we can wrap it up. Can't leave without them. have to tell them.
Called them they said they are comin. hope they wont be late.


Z_Diva said...

i can't believe u made me read this entire blog :D
honestly at the beginning, i hated it, and kept thinking -damn is she punishing us for being board so we got to be board too, but it grew on me some way or another, and i wanted to know how things are goin on :D
donn get mad at me cause wat i said, cause i know u didn make this blog so ppl can enjoy it , though if they did it would be cool, u just needed a way to let out all your boredom, and to lay down wat ever pops on ur mind, and i totally get that, and never go against it, cause i do that too, i mean i have a blog -the secret well hidden one ;), that i use for the same reasons, i need to let all the garbage out - donn mean ur's is garbage, but believe me mine is-, i just keep it hidden cause i use a very bad language, and no one would appreciate that, beside it's like my personal diaries, so it's private
any way, sorry i talk way too much, and drift away, and rarely ever com back :D
but go on i wanna know more about working ppl's life
for the record: i guess i actually enjoyed reading this blog!!!!

Crystal Lobna said...

I can't believe you read the entire blog!
by the way you totally get the point of the blog it actually started as away to let our my boredom, the first post was 2 weeks after i got hired and i was out of my mind with boredom so i wondered if my feelings will ever change so i thought about documenting it now(back then) so i'd know what's next later.
I so want to read your the secret well hidden blog. cause the way you talk about it. it sound sooo interesting, but i also understand it's hard for you to let that happen cause as you said it's private.
Anyways am glad you enjoyed that blog (hopefully i won't go back to boredom)
P.s don't worry about me i don't get offended quickly especially with someone who's honest. and you are right we all have garbage inside of us that need to be out by writing
I talk too much too LOL

Z_Diva said...

in ur dreams lady -that I'll get u in the secret well hidden blog- :D
actually the posts that worth reading, and appropriate to be published, are what you read on "plus sizes rebellions"
as for being board, hope you never return to that, cause it's the worst feeling any one can go through, it gives you a reason to dig out all the old, bad, sad, forgotten stuff that was buried in the depth of your brain,and eventually makes u finish it all with a hole in ur head :D