Thursday, May 8, 2008


For the last week i've had some guests in the library, the WHO had rented our library for the week, the brought some doctors and gave them a course (it's called ICD-10, you don't know it? maybe cause you are not a doctor if you are then you should know it)
anyways since Sunday I had been waking up an hour early so i'd be here at 9 am cause this is when they are supposed to start and for the first time ever they actually start at 9. 9:10 is the latest that they actually started, anyways because of them I have been driven out of my desk :( and have to sit on another computer.
it wasn't all negative there was some positive
where i work gave lunch boxes daily for the doctors and they gave me and Madam M 2 LOL
first day there was some mixing up in the numbers so Madame M got soo pissed then when they came to gave her in the second day she was like. "why you gave me today and not yesterday?" the worker didn't know what to tell her LOL.
since none of us got paid till now Madame M came up to me on Tuesday and said "why do they give them lunch anyways they live in Alex., they should get us paid first" I found that hilarious cause it's very obvious that those are 2 different issues plus the WHO is the one who paid for that LOL
anyways they didn't give us on Wednesday so someone heard her :)) but we didn't get paid either LOL
I don't know how it suddenly turned about food.
anyways I am happy cause it's over
they leave a 3 volumes books and there is 12 of them everyday in the library cause they are too lazy to go home with it so i have to lock the library everyday and give the keys to the security .
the IT guys already are close to blow up cause the program the course is using is Dos based and our computers are XP (F my sis is the one who told me the NeXt information) and XP doesn't have good Dos because it's a vertiual Dos.
anyways the computers keeps freezing and I keep calling the IT guys . Poor them LOL.
that's it for now

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