Tuesday, April 29, 2008


today started out like any other ordinary day, Madam M didn't come today, our registration in the the database we've been using was over, and I was talking to one of my friends on the Mobile and checking my email and the usual blogs, again that is the norm over here when the personal assistance of Dr. H (the big boss) came and said that dr. H want certain papers from online . i told her our registration was over. so she left and said she'd tell him.
then he personally came and said that he NEEDED this papers and I have to get them and asked about our WHO registration .
I called Madam M (she gave me her home number after the first 2 calls) she said she'd send me the user name and password. (turn out she had them for more than a month now) tried them and they didn't work so i called HND the one responsible for the WHO Lib and made him call our IT guys.
Long story short. I have went through lope holes for around 90 or 110 minutes and ended up knowing that our registration in the WHO only contain 815 Journal.
and that wasted 90 or so min was thanx to Madame M cause she didn't tell me from the beginning
anyways after that i personally went handed him the papers (which i downloaded from the internet not related to the WHO) and told him about the whole deal (about only have 815 Journal ). then he told me to send them an email asking them some questions.
I am not happy cause i'll do the stuff Madam M was supposed to do but I am happy because she was trying to keep me away from day one and now am in .
anyways that's it for now

1 comment:

Z_Diva said...

vacation is over then
why do i feel that madam M, hadn't been on her disk for more than 2 weeks all together ever since u started writing about ur work ??!!!!!
any way, hope you had a nice vacation, and glad you're now more involved in ur job and got allot of things to do :)