Thursday, May 29, 2008

Even if you're dead tired don't flirt

today was a very very tiring day at work, i was standing since 11 to 3 photocopying, the funny part is that i didn't have to , i could've gotten out of it if i was smart enought to lie, in a nutshell some work shop in the SMC and the (indian) doctor who done that workshop brought 3 books and gave them as a gift to the library , so the ppl attending taht workshop wanted the books the woman doing it asked me if we photocopy , (and stupidly i ansered yes) so here i am photo copying 3 books is the smallest of them is 60 pages the largest is 160. and am doing it page by page.
yesterday i done 6 copies each today i done extra 4. page by page. OMG! my back still aches and getting down is like hell. OUCH!
anyways in the midst of it all 2 doctors came at 1 told me they want me to photocopy for them basically I've been telling everyone that they are 2 late and am not photocopying any thing more like everyone who came before and after they tried to convince me that today is there only shot since they are goin back to Cairo tomorrow and i tried to convince them that i don't have time, a doctor came in said that if i gave him a copy he'll photocopy it outside, i was cool with it. one of those 2 doctors was kidding and joking all the time and offering to help.
anyways they then asked me to "try" and photocopy one of our other books, it was sent to us by the WHO so it isn't available in markets. I told them I will, (don't ask me why)

anyways the dr. that took the copy outside came in half an hour later all was gr8 with him and he went upstairs took the money from them and then 2 minutes later he came in and gave me 30 pounds and told me i should give them to a doctor and he told me his name.
minutes later everyone took their copies and the last doctor who came was the one with the 30 pounds and when i tried to give it to him he said that they are not his and he told me that he must've given me the wrong name.
couple of minutes later the joking doctor came in i told him i photocopied the WHO book while i gave it to him he asked me if i've seen the guy who photocopied those papers I told him he left then I asked him if he wanted money from him, he laughed goofly and said yeah, then i told him that he left him a 30 he laughed goofly again, although it was a real goofy laught it was really adorable , then he asked me how much money does he owes me, i told him 12 to he proudly gave me 20 i laught and gave him his change i was soo busy observing his fingers for rings that i didn't notice until he left that i should've asked him for 17 instead of 12, i added the extra 5 from my own pocket and kept thinking how cute he really is,
he isn't like handsome o no way, he just acted like a 7 years old , all goofy and proud (never though i was sucker for little kids LOL) so that what caught me attention to him and never figured anything else. LOL

just noticed that i wrote photocopy and doctor in that post more than i ever did that in my life before
anyways that 's it for today


Z_Diva said...

see, this what you get for paying guys attention, you end up paying ur money :D
but ur wrong,if the doctor is cute forget about the fruit girl, flirt on baby -as if i ever did so, or even knew how to :D-
enjoy ur time at work girl ;)

Crystal Lobna said...

yeah i know guys are a waste of money LOL, so you think i should flirt on! ok i will , if i ever came across someone i like again (little bit hard to satisfy, saw way too much cute guys on tv LOL)
but the whole problem is after he left i felt completely stupid