Sunday, August 5, 2007

I need to sleep

i haven't blogged for a week and i haven't been to work for a week either.
i came today expecting number of things. i expected money and i also expected news about our contracts.
but when i came i found emptiness. apparently the minister was here on Thursday and it was expected that he'd come today which he didn't , i came to find Madame M here at 9 am waitin for him and Dr. H and Dr. A both didn't come today. heard they are in Cairo bringing the salaries (i really hope so cuz am as dry as a desert).
Nothing happened at all. I didn't see Qu today i think she took a holiday or something.

my family is still in kirar i came with ma friends and i was supposed to go back with my cousins but they are leavin to kirar as we speak. initially i didn't wanna go home with them cause i was afraid they'd go late but now they had to leave early and leave me behind. but thanx to ma sister M am goin back with my parents and she's leavin with my cousins. it's so complicated but she kinda saved me. well that what sisters are there for.

yesterday i only slept for an hour and for the whole day today i've been fallin asleep. in the bathroom in the mosque and even on my desk . thank god am not driving.

that's it for now.

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