Thursday, August 16, 2007

11 days later

it's been exactly 11 days since i blogged. cause I've been extra busy playing. I've been playin real games not those online ones. i have been taking f's flash memory and downloadin games then playin them on the computer and deletin them when i finish em.
yesterday i was just tellin f my sister that am gettin paid for playin games all day long that's kinda cute if it wasn't so boring.
talking about gettin paid we hadn't got paid for the last 2 month and only god knows when we'll ever do they said that they'll pay June soon (been sayin that since last week) but July and August and all the months too come it's still unknown if we'll ever get paid . I am sure we'll be paid eventually. but when does that eventually comes that something beyond our knowledge and the nicer part is we don't know how much exactly are we gonna be paid. :(
probably less then what we already take . we'll have to wait and see.
nothing much happened in this last few days except I've been sitting at the reception with qu. not workin or anything just hangin around. that what boredom do to ya.
o and the worker who had made the whole deal about the computer that i left opened. on Tuesday i was tellin em at the front gate that my father is coming to take the car so they should let him in . and when my father didn't show up he saw me sittin at the reception with qu who was talkin on the phone he came up to me and was like your father didn't come i told him i know. few minutes later i called my dad and he said he aint comin so i told the guy and he joked for a few seconds and suddenly was like i hope thing are OK between us. and am like what? i knew what he mean, but give me a fucken break am not gonna have some beef against a worker. so i was like what are you talkin about and he was apologizin. he said that the whole issue was when he told me i left it open i said that i didn't. which i told him made sense since i Forgot it open not left it open so i probably wouldn't remember that it was open in the first place.
but what i understood is he though i was a total bitch in the way i answered. I know i can come off at first like a total snob which am not. i just don't consider everyone as my friend.
for me people are strangers until they are my friends and since they are strangers then i would never talk to them, even my colleagues are strangers to me.
that's just the way i am. any way enough about that
nothin more happened at all in those 11 days.
o except i don't have my computer again. they took the stupid switch and put it in the minister's office cause we don't have one.
I hate that minister he's comin again next week he was just here last week. I just hope we'll see the end of that jerk soon.
that's it for now i thing that's the longest blog I've ever wrote so in some sense i made up for all those days i didn't blog
tata for now

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