Monday, August 27, 2007


that's the weight percentage of my body. why am mentioning it in my thoughts from work blog. because it's at work where i found this intresting information.
to start from the begining i was sitting on the computer minding my own business and playin games as usual when madame H came inside and told me and madame M that we should go up to the clincs and mesaure the body fat mass.
and when i did go up i found the whole center there apperantly it some weight loss drug pormotin the drug is xencal my sis used to use it to loss weight.
anywayz i found out that the total body mass is 35.9 and that 40% of my weight which is 90 fucken kilos (I was speachless never though i weight that much) is fat. and that 53 kilos of me is muscules and bones and the rest is pure fat so the doctor (her name is L and she works at the center) said i should loss like 16 kilos at least and that i should go up to her someother time when she isn't so busy.
nothing else happened today am alittle blue cause i feel like a fucken whale. and Madam M just left cause her husband who i know his name now by the way is here.
what ever
that's all for now

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