Monday, December 22, 2008

The boss's son

today for the second time I saw the boss's son, and let me tell you all the "kid " is hot. before you all get me wrong thinking am some kind of pedophiler. the kid is over 18. he might even be in his early 20's . but me being in my mid 20's I see him as a kid. so anyways he came so Dr. S would explain something for him, he's studying in med school. (they did the same thing to my kid sista couple of weeks back) his first name is his father's last name so he's a cute kid with a weird name. still his the best thing I've ever seen at work,of course after my love the American ambassador, and follow them closely is that Dr. i had a crush on awhile back. whom I finally learn his name and did I mention he own a BMW, the Dr. i had a crush on not the kid.
O! anyways this post is starting to sound like a crush list. so enough with it.
I'll go do something else.


Z_Diva said...

hey.. an wat's wrong with crush lists

amd more important, wat's wrong wiz younger boys :D

Crystal Lobna said...

Nothing is wrong with either of them,

but am not a huge fan of crush list, maybe cause mine is sooo short.

Young boys just makes me feel old, but they look so good, i try not to stare too much though. :D

Z_Diva said...


as far as there is a crush list it's cool.. no matter ho short it is :D

as for younger boys, they donn make me feel old actuall, as far as they r above 20 :D

Soooo said...

ياشيخه انا افتكرت ابن البيج بوص ده صغير شوية .. كنت خليته يخطب ياسمينا بنت اخويا

لكن شكله مالوش في الطيب نصيب

على فكره انا بتابع مواضيعك أول بأول .. بس باخاف اعلق
هتقوليلي بتخاف ليه .. هقولك ماعرفش .. بس باتخض لما اخش الاقي كلام بالجريجي والمفروض اعلق بالعربي

هابي نيو يير
يعني كل سنه وانتي طيبه بمناسبة عيد الاضحى


Crystal Lobna said...

أهلااااااااااااً ، انا مش مصدقة نفسى سووو عندنى فى المدونه.:) أنا بجد مبسوطه جداً أنك بتيجى عندى ، بس أبقى علق ولا تخاف و لا حاجه . ، وماله العربى بس ماهو لغتنا برضوا