Sunday, September 28, 2008

Rat or Mouse

Happy Ramadan,
It's my first post at Ramadan, I though I wouldn't blog at all at Ramadan Since I hardly have the time to do a thing. I come to work 10 and leave 2:30 and those are the official hours there have been days when I left at 3 and I once left at 1 and I usually come at 10:15 and 10:30 I even came at 10:45 once . so in the midst of this irregular hours I tried to read the Quran Daily, play games and check all the blogs o and worked just a little LOL.
anyways Ramadan had flown by and I wish that all year long would be Ramadan, they gave us extra month salary as a bonus last week. yaaay.
Dr. H (the big boss ) has been in Mexico since the 2nd week of Ramadan till now , they say he'll stay till after the eid :)
anywayz lets head straight to the reason of that post.
last Thursday i left at 2:45 cause i had to wait for some books to arrive, I need to point here that those books are PERSONAL belongings for Dr. H (the big boss) . it's not exactly books it's medical journals that have been bound together to look like a book , they were 21 volumes. anywayz they arrived on Thursday at 2:45. so I left them in their boxes and went home after locking the room (the library where i work).
Today I opened the door to find 2 of them ruined huge chunks of their bounding were missing. I didn't understand what went wrong so I went to the security who had the keys to the library. after some decisions they told me what you already guessed based on the title, that it was bitten by a mouse.
then I sent the word to Madame H (the nice lady at HR) , she came and had a look. the decisions was made that they would bring a device to expel the mouse.
of course a lot of people heard about the mouse and came to watch and that guy told me that it's probably a rat.
I also called DR. H personal assistance and told her what happened, she said that she will send those 2 books to be re-bound.
I should leave now cause it's gettin late and I don't want to stay alone here.
No what really is puzzeling me is , is it a rat or is it a mouse? LOL
Today I started an Online course, wish me luck
and they gave us 2 boxes of ka7k el eid at work . LOL