Sunday, February 24, 2008

My Niece on the ultrasound

Today Dr. H wanted Madame M. but she wasn't here yet it was 11:38 so that meant that she was extra late. anyways he wanted me to add a book in our library. then he came and asked about Madame M. she wasn't here yet and he thought she had taken a holiday. anyways, then My sis and her husband came cause today was her appontment to a 3D ultrasound to make sure the baby is alright. Alhamdoulah the baby is fine. and it's probably a gurl . Yeah. her husband was alittle bit pissed (he wanted a boy)
Anyways when I came down Madame M. was pissed casue i hadn't told her were i was going. i told her I just went up and she was like. you should have told me.
Anyways am sooo happy and excited although me sis and her husband aren't that much. well she was sooo happy 2 until she saw he was all grumpy so she got alittle bit depressed anyways . Am glad that it all worked out good Alhamdoulah.
that's it for now


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